Jan 08, 2025
How do I order school pictures?
Fall Pictures
- Pre-ordering online is easy. Click -> Pre-Order School Portraits and enter the online code provided on your picture day envelope.
- Pre-ordering online is the best way to order photos. Not only do you get free shipping. You will also have access to online only exclusive background choices.
- Pre-order galleries will expire 48 hours after picture day.
- Make sure to take your time when filling out the pre-order form and ensure all the information is correct. This is how we match your order to your child.
- You can also order the traditional way via the picture day envelope with cash or check.
- Make sure to fill out the envelope completely and legibly.
- Pre-Orders will be shipped to the school and distributed to the students.
- Pictures will also be available to order after picture day.
- You will receive a proof of your child's photo.
- The proofs will ship to the school 25-30 days after picture day.
- Use the online code here, Order School Portraits to order photos.
- These orders will be shipped directly to you.
- Shipping and handling charges will apply to these orders.
Spring Pictures
- Pre-ordering online is easy. Click -> Pre-Order School Portraits and enter the online code provided on your picture day envelope.
- Pre-ordering online is the best way to order photos. Not only do you get free shipping. You will also have access to online only exclusive background choices.
- Pre-order galleries will expire the morning of picture day
- Make sure to take your time when filling out the pre-order form and ensure all the information is correct. This is how we match your order to your child.
- You can also order the traditional way via the picture day envelope with cash or check.
- Make sure to fill out the envelope completely and legibly.
Please note, in the spring we only take phots of students who have pre-ordered photos.